Jackson County Spark and Duke Energy present Energy Innovation Challenge

JACKSON COUNTYIt’s time to get excited for the SPARK Energy Innovation Challenge this fall! This competition, powered by Duke Energy, aims to support local entrepreneurs, students, and innovators in developing groundbreaking solutions for renewable energy and sustainability.

How it Works:

Form your team

▪️2-4 people per team.

▪️The challenge is open to anyone in Jackson County, including high school students and older.

▪️Register your team here by September 11: https://forms.gle/jvTWCcCUM37uzBUY6

Attend the Launch Workshop

▪️September 18 at 6 pm (location TBD).

▪️Hear from Duke Energy and Hoosier Energy industry experts about the basics of how our electric supply system works and what current wins and gaps in innovation exist in the electric energy space.

▪️At least one member from each team must attend.

Ideation Period

▪️Teams will have approximately six weeks to conduct research, market analysis, idea formation, and pitch approach.

▪️Teams will have access to a suite of subject matter experts who will serve as mentors to guide the development and presentation of their innovation ideas. These experts will represent a field of knowledge in the electric energy industry, tech development, business case development, and pitch presentation.

Pitch Competition

▪️Each team will participate in a limited-audience pitch competition in early November, where they will pitch their idea to a panel of judges.

▪️Each team will have 5 minutes to pitch their idea and then time to field questions from the judges.

▪️After the pitch competition, the panel of judges will select the winning team, which will receive $2000 in prize money from Duke Energy.

Questions? Email spark@jacksoncochamber.com.