Driver arrested on OWI charge after traffic stop near Heltonville

HELTONVILLE – In the early hours of Wednesday, September 4, Captain Harrison Fleetwood of the Lawrence County Sheriff’s Department was patrolling 446 just north of Gilgal Road when he initiated a traffic stop that led to the arrest of a driver for driving under the influence.

At approximately 1:30 a.m., Captain Fleetwood observed a red Hyundai Elantra traveling northbound, exceeding the speed limit at 66 mph in a 55 mph zone. He turned his vehicle around and caught up to the Elantra as it turned onto Henderson Creek Road.

Scott Conrad

The driver pulled over near McPike Branch Road. Two males were in the car: Scott Conrad, 49, in the driver’s seat, and a 58-year-old male passenger in the front seat.

During the interaction, Captain Fleetwood noticed the strong odor of alcohol on Conrad’s breath and observed that his eyes were red and glassy. When asked, Conrad admitted to consuming “a few drinks” of Early Times whiskey earlier that evening.

Conrad struggled to find his driver’s license but presented a temporary paper ID from the Bureau of Motor Vehicles (BMV). Captain Fleetwood requested backup, and Officers Christian James and Clifford Pruett soon arrived at the scene.

Captain Fleetwood then conducted a series of Standard Field Sobriety Tests, which revealed signs of intoxication. A portable breathalyzer test indicated Conrad had a blood alcohol content of 0.015 percent.

Conrad hesitated but agreed to submit to a certified chemical test Officer Pruett conducted at the Lawrence County Jail. The results showed a blood alcohol content slightly under the legal limit of .08. Despite this, law enforcement determined that Conrad’s impaired state rendered him unfit to safely operate a vehicle.

Conrad was arrested and booked into the Lawrence County Jail.

Stone City Wrecker Service towed the vehicle. During the vehicle inventory, officers found a half-empty bottle of Early Times whiskey next to the driver’s seat, which Conrad admitted to drinking earlier. The whiskey was seized and disposed of as part of the investigation.

Conrad received a written warning for speeding.

This incident highlights the ongoing efforts of local law enforcement to ensure road safety by promptly addressing speeding and impaired driving.