Oakland City University celebrates enrollment

OAKLAND CITY – Oakland City University has experienced five years of enrollment growth.

OCU raises a flag for each country represented by the student body and holds a ceremonial Flag-Raising event. This fall 2024 school year, 45 countries were represented, and OCU had to add seven flag poles and flags to cover all 45 countries. 

This fall, Oakland City University welcomed one of the largest incoming classes in school history, with 237 new students. OCU’s fall 2024 enrollment totaled 655 students. 519 of those students are on-campus undergraduates, representing a 51% enrollment increase since 2019 and marking one of the largest on-campus populations in OCU’s history.

OCU is home to 143 international students, an increase of 33% since 2022. International students represent 45 countries, an increase of 51% since 2022. Domestic on-campus students originate from eight U.S. states.

The 2024 incoming class boasts 157 new first-time students and another 80 transfer students who arrived at OCU from another college or university, an increase in the Freshman class of 10.2% year over year.

Dr. Ron Dempsey

OCU President Dr. Ron Dempsey stated, “Oakland City University is becoming the choice for students and families who desire higher education in a professional, Christian atmosphere.”

The OCU Graduate programs also excelled in 2024, with 121 full—and part-time students enrolled. The racial/ethnic breakdown of undergraduates at the main campus is American Indian/Alaskan—0.02%, Asian—0.06%, Black/African American—12.5 %, Hispanic of any race—5.4 %, U.S. Non-Resident—14%, Two or More Races—6.75%, and White/Caucasian—47%.