Fall Gardening and Soil Health class will teach lasagna gardening, cover crop techniques, and more

BEDFORDThe Fall Gardening and Soil Health class will take place September 24 at 6:00 p.m. at Bedford Garden Park. It will cover essential techniques like lasagna gardening, which layers organic material to enrich the soil, and the use of cover crops to prevent erosion. It will also explore season extension methods to maximize harvests through colder months.

RSVP to the Parks Department before September 23 at 812-275-5692.

Here are some benefits of lasagna gardening: 

  • No digging: Lasagna gardening is a great way to start a new garden bed without digging. 
  • Improves soil: The layers of organic materials break down over time, creating nutrient-rich soil that’s good for plants. 
  • Suppresses weeds: The layers of materials smother weeds and seeds in the soil. 
  • Uses waste materials: Gardening uses materials that would otherwise go into the trash, such as grass clippings, cardboard, newspaper, and kitchen scraps. 
  • Lasagna gardening can be done on a large or small scale. It can be used to expand a garden or improve existing beds and borders.