“Practical Excel” classes starting soon

BEDFORD— StoneGate Arts & Education Center will offer “Practical Excel,” a four-week (eight-session) practical skills class that starts October 1.

“Nearly every business, large and small, works in Excel to some degree. Nearly every job needs a worker with practical skills in Excel,” said Duane Embree, StoneGate Board President.

Students will learn basic data, spreadsheet, table and chart design, modeling and storytelling skills, and report writing and presentation skills.

This class is for the following: non-programmers, non-mathematicians, business staff, managers, executives, adults adding skills to a resume, employees seeking a promotion, students preparing for college, and those interested in sharpening their skills.

The instructor, Rick Carter, has over 40 years of experience using spreadsheets as a consultant to large and small businesses.

“Practical Excel” starts October 1 and ends October 24th. The class meets on Tuesday and Thursday from 5:30 p.m. until 7:00 p.m.

The cost is $240. To register or learn more, visit StoneGateArtsandEducation.org. For questions or more information, call Linda at StoneGate at 812-279 8126.