ORLEANS—Skylar Whiteman of the Orange County Economic Development Partnership (OCEDP) recently spoke at the Orleans Chamber of Commerce’s September “Breakfast Chat.”
During the event, Whiteman announced the launch of the OCEDP’s first Small Business Grant program, which aims to provide financial assistance to new or existing businesses in Orange County. The grants, worth up to $10,000, specifically target new startups and existing brick-and-mortar businesses with 30 or fewer employees.
Whiteman outlined that the grant funds can be utilized for various purposes, including renovation and repair work, signage and façade improvements, marketing, and more. The application deadline for the grant program is September 30th, and interested individuals can contact Whiteman directly at 812-936-3388 or the Chamber Office at 812-865-9930 for more information.
In addition, Chamber Executive Director Robert Henderson shared updates on upcoming chamber-related activities. These include the annual Chamber Golf Scramble scheduled for October 5th at Green Acres in Paoli, with opportunities for team participation and hole sponsorships.
The Chamber also plans to host the Fall Fun Fest in the Park on October 12th, featuring various family-friendly events such as a car show, 5K with Beer & Brats, children’s activities, food, live entertainment, and more. Businesses, organizations, and individuals interested in participating or sponsoring the event are encouraged to contact the Chamber Office for details.
Furthermore, the chamber is organizing a Scarecrow Decorating Contest in conjunction with the Fall Festival, with residents and businesses invited to create their family-friendly scarecrow for display. Additionally, the Chamber promotes the official ushering of autumn in Orleans by encouraging storefronts, display windows, and landscaped areas to be decorated with fall-themed décor such as mums, straw, and pumpkins.
Excitingly, the Chamber has received news from Barry and Donna Wininger that the town will have the opportunity to host a special visit from the renowned Budweiser Clydesdales on or about November 13th, with more event details to be announced soon. Furthermore, upcoming events include a Business After Hours hosted by Pat’s Plants and Gift Shop on September 25th and a Chamber Membership Appreciation outing planned at Sprigler Farm on October 23rd, open to all chamber members.
Lastly, Henderson highlighted that the Chamber will promote Small Business Saturday on November 30th and organize Christmas on the Square on December 14th.