Bedford man arrested on multiple drug charges following motorcycle chase

BEDFORD— A Bedford man was arrested on Saturday, September 14, after a high-speed motorcycle chase led to the discovery of a significant quantity of drugs, including methamphetamine, cocaine, and marijuana.

John H. Staggs Jr., 53, faces multiple felony and misdemeanor charges following the incident.

John Staggs

According to an affidavit from Lawrence County Police Officer Andrew D. Tillett, the case began when Staggs was observed speeding on a red 1993 Harley Davidson motorcycle. Officer Tillett, who was on patrol, clocked the bike traveling at 43 miles per hour on M Street in a 30 mph zone.

Despite activating his emergency lights to initiate a traffic stop, Staggs ignored the officer’s attempts to pull him over and continued driving. The chase ended when Staggs drove onto the sidewalk in front of his residence.

Upon approaching Staggs, Officer Tillett detected the strong odor of marijuana. Staggs admitted to smoking marijuana two hours prior and handed the officer a bag containing marijuana.

While waiting for backup from Officer Chris Griggs, Staggs became increasingly agitated. Officers Tillett and Griggs and Reserve Officer Mike Hawkins attempted to restrain him. During a search of Staggs, officers discovered several items:

  • Two bags containing a white crystal substance were later confirmed as methamphetamine.
  • A black pouch with a glass smoking device containing a brown crystal substance also identified as methamphetamine.
  • A red container with an off-white rock-like substance, identified as cocaine.
  • A scale with a white crystal substance confirmed as methamphetamine.

The total quantity of methamphetamine found was approximately 28 grams, including packaging. The cocaine weighed about two grams, and the marijuana totaled 12 grams.

Staggs was transported to the Lawrence County Jail without incident. In addition to drug-related charges, he was issued a written warning for speeding and operating his motorcycle without a valid Indiana motorcycle endorsement. His motorcycle was left at his residence.

Police have also seized Staggs’ cell phone, which is pending a search warrant to investigate further.

The case highlights ongoing issues with drug possession and distribution in the area and underscores the challenges faced by local law enforcement in combating drug-related crime.