BLOOMINGTON – On Jan. 1, 2025, Bloomington’s closed captioning ordinance will be enacted. This ordinance requires all Bloomington businesses and places of public accommodation to activate closed captioning on public televisions during regular business hours.
The ordinance aims to make television programming accessible to a wider audience, including individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing and patrons who may benefit from captions in noisy environments such as restaurants or bars. Research indicates that many viewers, even without hearing loss, prefer the option of captions when audio quality is poor or background noise interferes.
The full text of the ordinance is available on Municode at bton.in/CCOrd. An informational brochure outlines the ordinance’s specifics, including which businesses are affected and their obligations under the law.
Closed captioning offers an easy and cost-free way to improve accessibility and enhance the experience for customers and visitors.
Beginning January 1, 2025, individuals wishing to report a closed captioning ordinance violation may contact the Bloomington/Monroe County Human Rights Commission or file an ADA complaint.
The mission of the Bloomington/Monroe County Human Rights Commission is to enforce the Bloomington/Monroe County Human Rights Ordinance in a fair and timely manner, to educate community members about their rights and responsibilities under various civil rights laws, and to advocate for changes in policies and law.