INDIANAPOLIS—The Indiana Secretary of State’s Office announces a $350,000 federal grant proposal to support and improve the voting process for Indiana’s active military members. This key funding will help ensure secure, accessible, and efficient voting for Hoosiers abroad before and during elections in our state.

As a proud veteran, Secretary of State Diego Morales understands firsthand the unique challenges military personnel serving our state and nation face on foreign deployments.
“It is our high duty to ensure that the brave men and women who serve our nation have the opportunity to participate in our elections. This grant will allow us to implement critical enhancements, making it easier for eligible military voters to maintain contact with their home election office, be informed about elections, and, importantly, cast secure ballots from wherever they may be,” said Diego Morales, Indiana Secretary of State.

The funding, provided by the federal government through the U.S. Department of Defense’s Federal Voting Assistance Program (FVAP), will improve Indiana’s current systems for military absentee voting. Specific efforts will focus on enhancing voter outreach, upgrading technology platforms to ensure the security and privacy of ballots, and providing additional resources to educate active military voters on their rights and the voting process.

Earlier this week, Secretary Morales attended the 38th Infantry Division Departure Ceremony at Camp Atterbury to thank the finest and best Hoosiers in all the nation and wish them a safe return home. He also provided absentee ballots for servicemembers. More than 500 soldiers from all over the Hoosier state are set to be deployed overseas. Secretary Morales recognizes other Indiana Guard members serving our state and nation in Europe, Africa, and our Southern Border.