INDIANA—Fall archery season for turkeys is open statewide from October 1 through October 27 and December 7 through January 5, 2025, so grab your equipment and get outdoors.

In the fall, you can bag either a bearded or unbearded bird.
Fall firearms season is from October 16–27, 2024. These counties are selected based on a combination of criteria, including the amount of forest cover, spring turkey harvest metrics, availability of harvest opportunities, and what’s happening with turkeys and habitat at a regional level within Indiana.
There is no designated youth turkey hunting season in the fall. Youth hunters are welcome to hunt fall turkey and must comply with all turkey hunting regulations.

Bag and possession limit for the fall season is one bird of either sex, regardless of hunting equipment used or portion of the season hunted in. The wearing of hunter orange is required when the season overlaps with deer muzzleloader season, Dec. 7–22, 2024. Turkeys must still be checked using the CheckIN Game system within 48 hours of kill and follow temporary transportation tagging requirements.

Turkeys can be hunted only with:
- A 410 caliber and 10-, 12-, 16-, 20-, or 28-gauge shotgun loaded with pellets of size No. 4, 5, 6, 7, 7½, and Tungsten Super Shot 9 and 10. A non-toxic shot is required while hunting turkey on some DNR properties. Call the property you are interested in hunting on for additional information.
- A muzzleloading shotgun not smaller than 20-gauge and not larger than 10-gauge, loaded with pellets of size 4, 5, 6, 7, 7½, and Tungsten Super Shot 9 and 10. Combination loads using shot sizes other than these are illegal.
- Bow and arrow
- A crossbow
Check out the Department of Natural Resources online license system to buy your fall turkey license and gamebird habitat stamp.
For more information on fall turkey hunting, click here.