Statistics and highlights of Indiana Supreme Court work available online

INDIANA – The Indiana Supreme Court annual report has been released. Chief Justice Loretta Rush will hold a press conference on Tuesday, October 15, at 1:00 p.m. (Eastern) in the Supreme Court conference room (State House Room 319).

Chief Justice Loretta Rush

The 60+ page Supreme Court annual report provides information about the court’s work and its affiliated agencies during the fiscal year (July 1, 2023, to June 30, 2024). In addition to providing statistics on the cases the court considers, the report also details the administrative work of the judicial branch.

Some of the information included in the data, milestones, and essential projects include:

  • The five justices reviewed 735 cases, heard 44 oral arguments, and handed down 47 majority opinions.
  • 60% of all court opinions were unanimous.
  • A 23-member Commission on Indiana’s Legal Future was established to investigate solutions for the state’s attorney shortage.
  • Over 60% of requests for cameras in trial courts were accepted by local judges.
  • Users accessed a total of 54 million times.
  • Over 23,000 continuing legal education courses were accredited by the Office of Admissions and Continuing Education.
  • Courts made 8,100 calls to Language Line for telephone interpreter services
  • Nearly 1,200 hours of training were offered to judicial officers and other justice system stakeholders.

Past annual reports can be found at