The Bloomington Common Coucil Special Committee on Council Proccesses will meet October 15

BLOOMINGTONThe Bloomington Common Council’s Special Committee on Council Processes will meet on Tuesday, October 15, at 8:00 a.m. in the Allison Conference Room (#225), Showers Building, 401 N. Morton Street.

The public may also access the meeting at the following link:

The agenda for the meeting is as follows:

  1. Agenda review and approval
  2. Proposal for new Advisory Transportation Commission
    Guests from the Department of Planning & Transportation:
    Ryan Robling, Planning Services Manager, and David Hittle, Director
    o Review of proposal, which would merge the Traffic Commission, Bicycle and Pedestrian
    Safety Commission, and Parking Commission
    o Review of feedback from existing commissions
  3. Proposal for a Code of Conduct for board & commission members (CM Rollo)
  4. Preview of final two meetings of the year
    o November meeting:
    • Discussion of changes to Council regular session processes (CM Asare)
    • Vote on slate of revisions to Title 2 regarding boards & commissions
    purpose/mission statements and requirements for annual reports
    o December meeting:
    • Need to schedule date/time
    • Discussion of applying an equity lens to Council processes (CM Flaherty)
    • Year-end report to Council
  5. Public comment (items not on the agenda)
  6. Adjournment