Lawrence County considers culvert replacement for rural bridge

LAWRENCE CO.- Lawrence County Highway Department is exploring cost-effective alternatives for Bridge 176, a single-lane structure spanning Sugar Creek, while progressing on another bridge project.

Highway Director Brian Sowder presented updates to county commissioners Tuesday regarding the aging Bridge 176, primarily used by local farmers to access their fields. “It is on the list to be replaced, but that will cost a lot of money,” Sowder explained during the meeting.

Brian Sowder

To address the situation, Sowder proposed seeking approval from the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) to replace the bridge with a culvert system. DNR approval is required due to the structure’s location over Sugar Creek. “If we get approval, it will be much easier to maintain a culvert, and we wouldn’t have to worry about the tonnage,” Sowder noted.

The proposed culvert solution for Bridge 176 represents the county’s efforts to maintain crucial rural infrastructure while effectively managing costs. Pending the department’s review of the proposal, the timeline for DNR approval and potential construction will be determined.

Meanwhile, construction is progressing on Bridge 171 on Sipes Branch Road, which crosses Leatherwood Creek. Crews are currently pouring concrete, with form removal scheduled for Wednesday. Officials expect the bridge to open to traffic soon, pending successful inspections.