INDIANA – The Indiana Department of Transportation is again challenging Hoosier drivers to buckle up and put their phones down behind the wheel. Wednesday, Oct. 30, is Buckle Up Phone Down Day, a day dedicated to urging motorists to rethink every trip they make in a vehicle to improve safety for all road users. For a second year, INDOT is joining other state departments of transportation in a larger movement focusing on two of the most impactful actions both drivers and passengers can take to prevent crashes – or survive if one occurs.

“More than 900 people lost their lives on Indiana roads in 2023,” said INDOT Commissioner Mike Smith. “Overall, we’ve seen the number of fatalities decrease slightly, but there is still work to be done. Driver behavior continues to be a factor in roadway safety, and everyone has a part to play in keeping themselves and others safe.”

Buckling up and putting the phone down are two simple things drivers can do to protect themselves and others on the road. While just under seven percent of Indiana drivers don’t wear a seatbelt, they account for more than 40% of roadway fatalities statewide.
Additionally, distracted driving remains a leading cause of crashes and roadway incidents across the country. Indiana enacted its Hands-Free Law in 2020; however, more than 9,000 collisions were reported to involve driver inattention or cell phone use in 2023 alone.

“Indiana State troopers and law enforcement officers across the state will continue distracted driving enforcement and education efforts,” said Indiana State Police Superintendent Doug Carter. “Time and time again, we see the tragic aftermath of someone’s selfish decision to use a phone while driving. Please buckle up and put the phone down.”

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and AAA, both actions can significantly impact highway incidents and fatalities. By buckling up in the front seat of a passenger car, drivers and passengers reduce the risk of fatal injury by 45% and moderate to critical injury by 50%. Texting while driving increases the risk of a crash by 50%.
Follow INDOT and other state departments of transportation on social media to participate in Buckle Up Phone Down Day. Like and share posts, and use the official hashtags #BUPDIN and #BUPDDay to show your support. Drivers can also watch for specialized messages on overhead dynamic message signs on interstate routes across Indiana.
Buckle Up Phone Down was launched in 2017 by the Missouri Department of Transportation and was adopted by INDOT in 2023. Learn more and take the pledge at BUPDIN.com.