BEDFORD- A Bedford man has been arrested after probation officers and police found psilocybin hallucinogens that produce effects similar to LSD in his home.
According to the probable cause affidavit, on Thursday, October 31, Lawrence County Probation Officers requested assistance from the Lawrence County Police Department at 47-year-old Jeremiah S. Bridges’s residence at 145 Eastern Heights Drive in Bedford.

When officers arrived on the scene, they found that probation officers had already located drug paraphernalia and a small amount of suspected marijuana, which were seized. During the search, officers also discovered approximately 6 grams of suspected psilocybin on Bridges’ desk.
According to Officer Andrew D. Tillett, Bridges acknowledged that the bedroom was his. Though Bridges did not directly admit to knowing about the drugs, he “smiled and shrugged” in a way that suggested he was aware of the illegal substance, according to the affidavit.
Bridges was placed in handcuffs and transported to the Lawrence County Jail on a charge of possession of a Schedule I controlled substance.
Those facing criminal charges are considered innocent unless convicted through due legal proceedings. Accusations alone do not imply guilt; the judicial system will evaluate the presented evidence to reach a verdict.