INDIANAPOLIS – The Indiana Department of Workforce Development, Office of Work-Based Learning and Apprenticeship (OWBLA) celebrates 10 years of National Apprenticeship Week, November 17 through November 23. The nationwide celebration is where industry, labor, equity, workforce, education, and government leaders host events to showcase the successes and value of Registered Apprenticeship for rebuilding the economy, advancing racial and gender equity, and supporting underserved communities.
Upcoming events across Indiana include:
Apprenticeship Accelerator: Advancing Women in the Workforce
When: Monday, November 18, 9 a.m. to 12 p.m.
Where: Ivy Tech Community College Lawrenceburg, Riverfront Campus
50 Walnut Street, Lawrenceburg, IN 37025
What: Celebrate and explore the benefits of integrating Registered
Apprenticeship (RA) programs across sectors like manufacturing, supply
chain, hospitality, and early childhood education (ECE).
Construction & Skilled Trades Day
When: Tuesday, November 19, 8 a.m. – 2 p.m.
Where: Lake County Fairgrounds
What: Expose young people to career paths in skilled trades, hands-on activities, and mock worksites – Open to students, registration required
CNA Apprenticeship Signing Ceremony
When: Tuesday, November 19, 2 p.m.
Where: Northview Health and Living
1235 West Cross Street Anderson, IN
What: Please join the Indiana Region 5 Workforce Board in celebrating the 2024 CAN Apprenticeship Commits for a special recognition ceremony.
NAW Registered Apprenticeship Accelerator
When: Thursday, November 21, 9 a.m. – 12 p.m.
Where: Ivy Tech Kokomo, Hingst Hall
What: Discussion Panel on Registered Apprenticeship, includes breakfast and campus tour
Apprenticeship Fair
When: Friday, November 22, 8:30 a.m.
Where: The Steel Dynamics, Inc.
Keith E. Busse Technology Center
3701 Dean Dr.
Fort Wayne, IN 46835
What: Apprenticeship Fair to learn about Apprenticeship Opportunities
Apprenticeship Lunch and Learn
When: Friday, November, 11 a.m. – 2 p.m.
Where: ECESC, 2601 S. 14th Street, New Castle, IN 47362
What: Join EIW, ECESC, and industry partners for a “Lunch and
Learn” at the East Central Education Service Center to learn
about youth apprenticeship opportunities in your area.