BLOOMINGTON—The Bloomington‐Monroe County Metropolitan Planning Organization (BMCMPO) will hold a hybrid Public Information Meeting on Thursday, December 5, from 5 to 7 p.m. in the Bloomington City Hall Council Chambers to gather public input on the development of the Fiscal Year 2026-2030 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP). A virtual attendance option is available via Zoom.
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The FY 2026-2030 TIP is a comprehensive list of planned and federally funded multi-modal transportation projects programmed for the Indiana Department of Transportation, Monroe County, Rural Transit, Bloomington Transit, and the City of Bloomington. The development of the new TIP requires public involvement, including public review by the BMCMPO Citizens Advisory Committee and the Technical Advisory Committee and adoption by the Policy Committee before submission to state and federal agencies for final approval. Meeting attendees will help shape the project investment priorities for the next five years by providing feedback on the proposed list of TIP projects. The Draft FY 2026-2030 Transportation Improvement Program is available for public review between November 10, 2024, and December 9, 2024:
- Online at bloomington.in.gov/mpo/transportation-improvement-program; and
- in a printed paper format at: City of Bloomington Planning and Transportation Department 401 N. Morton St. Ste. 130 Bloomington, IN 47404
The BMCMPO will accept written comments for the Draft FY 2026-2030 Transportation Improvement Program during the ongoing public review period from November 10, 2024, to December 9, 2024. Members of the public may submit comments regarding this draft document through any of the following methods:
- Comment Form – submit a written comment form at the December 5, 2024 public meeting.
- Email – Email comments to BMCMPO staff directly at mpo@bloomington.in.gov
- Mail written comments to Bloomington-Monroe County Metropolitan Planning Organization (BMCMPO)
P.O. Box 100
Bloomington, IN 47402
The BMCMPO staff will document and share all public comments, questions, and concerns with the MPO’s committees. The Technical Advisory and Citizens Advisory Committees will meet on January 29, 2025, to recommend the adoption of the FY 2026-2030 TIP, which the Policy Committee will vote to adopt on February 14, 2025.