BLOOMINGTON – Bloomington Common Council Interview Committee-Team B will meet on Thursday, December 5.
The meeting will begin at 3 p.m. in Kelly Room 155 at City Hall at 401 North Morton Street. The public may also access the meeting at this link.
The committee will meet electronically to review applications, interview candidates, and determine the committee recommendations for one or more of the following city boards and commissions:
- Bicycle and Pedestrian Commission
- Bloomington Digital Underground Advisory Committee
- Commission on the Status of Women
- Community Advisory on Public Safety (CAPS)
- Environmental Commission
- MLK Commission
- Telecommunications Council
- Traffic Commission and/or Utilities Services Board
As a quorum of the Council or its committees may be present, this gathering constitutes a meeting
under the Indiana Open Door Law (I.C. § 5-14-1.5). For that reason, this statement provides notice
that this meeting will occur and is open for the public to attend, observe, and record what