Lawrence County Commissioners will meet on Tuesday

BEDFORD – Lawrence County Commissioners will meet on Tuesday, December 3.

The meeting will be held in the commissioners’ room at the courthouse beginning at 9:30 a.m.

On the agenda:

  1. Pledge of Allegiance
  2. Approval of Minutes for November 19, 2024, Regular Meeting
  3. Approval of Claims
  4. Approval of Payroll
  5. Appointments:
    Open Highway Bids
    Mitchel Knapp – Health Department – Generator/Interlocal Agreement
    Brad Bough – Veteran’s Property Tax Deduction
  6. Items for Consideration:
  7. Department Reports:
    Highway – Brian Sowder
    Emergency Management – Valerie Luchauer
    Sheriff – Greg Day
  8. Any Unfinished Old Business
  9. Adjournment: