PENDLETON – Indiana State Police Superintendent Douglas G. Carter has promoted Trooper Nicholas Cox to Sergeant, where he will serve as a squad supervisor for the Pendleton District. Sergeant Cox competed in a promotion process, including a written test, an oral interview, and an overall work performance evaluation.

Sergeant Nicholas E. Cox is a native of Indianapolis and graduated from Franklin Central High School in 2006. He immediately joined the U.S. Army and was stationed in Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri; Heidelberg, Germany; and Fort Carson, Colorado. Sergeant Cox deployed with the 984th MP Company, 2nd Platoon Punishers, to the Kunar Province, Afghanistan, supporting Operation Enduring Freedom from May 2009 until May 2010. After being honorably discharged from the Army, Sergeant Cox became an instructor at the Hoosier Youth Challenge Academy while actively seeking law enforcement opportunities. He joined the Indiana State Police as a Capitol Police officer in 2012. In 2014, Sergeant Cox was awarded Capitol Police Officer of the Year. 2016 Cox was selected to attend the 76th Indiana State Police Recruit Academy. After graduation, Cox served in the Indianapolis District for five years. Cox continued his education and earned his associate’s degree in Criminal Justice through Ivy Tech in 2018. In 2021, Sergeant Cox transferred to the Commercial Vehicle Enforcement Division until his promotion.
During his time as an Indiana State Trooper, Sergeant Cox has become a Firearms Instructor, Field Training Officer, Tactical Intervention Platoon member, Tactical Medical Instructor, Honor Guard Assistant Team Leader, and the Assistant Director for the ISP Mounds State Park Pioneer Youth Camp.
Sergeant Cox will supervise and mentor a squad of troopers assigned to the Pendleton District in his new role.
Sergeant Cox resides in Hancock County with his wife, two sons, and a daughter.