BEDFORD — The Lawrence County Board of Commissioners approved a resolution on Monday, December 30, 2024, condemning the Lawrence County Council’s decision to eliminate the funding for the position of Lawrence County Administrator. The resolution, titled Resolution 2024-07, strongly disapproves of the council’s actions and argues that the decision interferes with the Board’s constitutional authority and responsibilities.
The resolution outlines that the Lawrence County Council, as the fiscal body of the county, eliminated funding for the Administrative Director position held by Travis Sanders, who had previously served the duties of the County Administrator. The commissioners argue that the council made this decision without prior consultation and contend that the elimination of the position stems from claims of a financial crisis, which the Board believes the council mishandled.
“The Lawrence County Council has failed to manage the financial affairs of Lawrence County in a responsible and appropriate manner,” the resolution states, criticizing the council’s approach to fiscal management.
The resolution further underscores the Board of Commissioners’ authority to create and appoint a county administrator, a position that was previously funded through the county’s budget. Despite the council’s refusal to fund the role, the commissioners attempted to find alternative funding sources that would not increase the overall budget.
In addition, the Commissioners argue that the council’s refusal to fund the administrator position interferes with their executive powers and violates the principle of separation of powers outlined in the Indiana Constitution. The commissioners condemned the council’s actions as a direct violation of this principle, stating that it “forbids requiring services without just compensation.”
The resolution also stresses the importance of maintaining an effective and well-functioning county government, calling out the council for not respecting the separation of powers between the legislative and executive branches of government.
The commissioners resolved that a copy of the resolution be delivered to each member of the Lawrence County Council, made available to the public and press, and posted outside the Lawrence County Auditor’s office in the Lawrence County Courthouse.
The Lawrence County Commissioners who adopted the Resolution 2024-07 were:
- Wallace Branham, President
- Rodney Fish, Vice President
- Dustin Gabhart, Commissioner
The Lawrence County Council’s decision to cut the position comes amidst growing concerns over the county’s financial state. Still, it remains to be seen how the dispute between the commissioners and the council will impact future governance in Lawrence County.