Arthur Edward Van Arsdel, better known as Sonny and locally referred to as the ‘Goat Man,’ is preceded by his mother, Ruby Branam Strain, and his father, Arthur Sr.
He graduated from Bloomington High School and the IU Law Enforcement Academy. He began his career as GM of Pepsi-Cola of Bloomington, then the next 30 years in real estate. He then worked for Marsh in Indianapolis, managing underperforming VP stores. A lover of Hoosiers sports, he was also a scratch golfer and enjoyed riding his bike as late as the fall of ‘23. After retirement, he enjoyed his country home in Heltonville with his pet goats, Waylon and Willie, and his cat, Miss Kitty.
He is survived by his only daughter, Tonya Rae Figg, and his grandson, Riley Joseph Figg.
His family loves him, and all will miss him.
Funeral services will be conducted at 2:00 p.m. on Thursday, January 2nd, in the Elmwood Chapel of the Day & Carter Mortuary, with Duane Brown officiating. Burial will follow in Gilgal Cemetery.
Family and friends may express condolences at