Indiana Child Fatality Report for 2023: A snapshot of abuse and neglect trends

INDIANA – In 2023, the Indiana Department of Child Services (DCS) investigated 261 child fatalities where abuse or neglect was suspected or where a child under the age of 3 died suddenly, unexpectedly, or in an unexplained manner. This marks a decrease from 308 child fatalities reported in 2022.

Of the 261 deaths investigated in 2023, 56 (21%) were determined to be directly caused by caregiver maltreatment, a slight decrease from the 61 deaths attributed to abuse in 2022. The report breaks down the causes further, revealing that 20 fatalities were due to abuse, while 36 were attributed to neglect.

A concerning trend highlighted in the report is the vulnerability of young children. Of the 56 fatalities linked to maltreatment, 38 (68%) victims were aged three or younger. This pattern mirrors national trends, emphasizing that young children are at the highest risk for both abuse and neglect.

Marion County, home to Indiana’s largest city, Indianapolis, reported the highest number of child fatalities, with 15 deaths attributed to abuse or neglect. Additionally, the report revealed that 13 (23%) of the victims had been previously involved in a substantiated DCS case of abuse or neglect.

The most common cause of death was by weapon, including physical force (such as a closed fist), which was identified in 28 (50%) of the fatalities. In 79% of cases, the death occurred within the child’s home, reinforcing the troubling reality that many fatalities take place in environments where children should be safe.

The biological parents of the victims were most frequently held responsible for these deaths, accounting for 65 (86%) of the 76 alleged perpetrators. It’s important to note that some cases involved multiple perpetrators.

The report also identified several stressors faced by caregivers, which were deemed to contribute to these tragic fatalities. Insufficient income, unemployment, and substance abuse were commonly cited as factors that may have played a role in the deaths.

This report underscores the ongoing issue of child maltreatment in Indiana and across the nation, with young children, especially those under the age of 3, being at an elevated risk. The Indiana Department of Child Services continues to monitor these fatalities to reduce the number of children harmed by abuse or neglect.