Mitchell man arrested on OWI charge after failing to stop at red light

MITCHELL – Robert M. Alig, 39, of Mitchell, was arrested early on Saturday, January 18, on charges of operating a vehicle while intoxicated with a prior conviction following a traffic stop at a local gas station.

At approximately 3:03 a.m., Officer Cody Grogan of the Mitchell Police Department observed a white 2003 Honda Odyssey driving at a high rate of speed as it exited the Shell gas station parking lot. The vehicle failed to stop at a red light at Main Street and State Road 37 intersection, prompting Officer Grogan to follow the car as it pulled into the nearby Marathon gas station.

Robert M. Alig

Upon running the vehicle’s license plate, Grogan discovered that the registered owner, Robert Alig, had a suspended driver’s license. After confirming Alig had entered the gas station, Grogan approached him inside and requested his identification. Alig initially denied having a suspended license, but a check through dispatch confirmed that his license was indeed suspended.

Grogan escorted Alig outside to discuss the situation, and a citation was issued for driving while suspended. However, while discussing the matter, Officer Grogan detected the strong odor of alcohol on Alig’s breath and observed his glassy eyes.

When asked if he had been drinking, Alig denied it but agreed to submit to a preliminary breathalyzer test (PBT). The results indicated a blood-alcohol content of 0.131 on the first test and 0.124 on the second, both well above the legal limit of .08.

Given the PBT results and other signs of impairment, Grogan read Alig his implied consent rights for a blood draw, which he consented to. Alig was arrested and transported to IU Health in Bedford, IN, where a blood sample was taken. Following the procedure, Alig was transported to the Lawrence County Jail.

Those facing criminal charges are considered innocent unless convicted through due legal proceedings. Accusations alone do not imply guilt; the judicial system will evaluate the presented evidence to reach a verdict.