Mitchell Community Schools Board of Trustees will meet tonight

MITCHELL – The Mitchell Community Schools Board of Trustees will meet at 6:00 p.m. tonight.

The meeting will be held in the Mitchell Community Schools Central Office at 441 North 8th Street in Mitchell.

On the Agenda:

I. Call to Order

II. Pledge of Allegiance

III. Public Comments

IV. Consent Agenda

A. Request Approval of the Following Minutes 

1. Regular Session – January 13, 2025 

2. Board of Finance – January 13, 2025 

3. Executive Session – January 27, 2025 

4. Executive Session – January 30, 2025 

B. Request Approval of the Following Financial Report 

1. Corporation – January, 2025 

2. Extra-Curricular – January, 2025 

C. Claims 

D. Conference Leave Request 

1. Rachel Fields – IDOE, ILearn Conference – Jasper, Indiana – February 18/19, 2025 

2. Lorie Cummings – Writing Conference – Jasper, Indiana – February 18, 2025 

3. Sarah Thomas – Writing Conference – Jasper, Indiana – February 18, 2025 

E. Resignations 

1. Amber Koval – Maintenance effective January 24, 2025 

2. Macy Robbins – Special Education Aide – effective January 27, 2025 

3. Steve Grissom – MHS Teacher – effective February 7, 2025 

4. Nancy Conley – Special Needs Bus Monitor – effective January 23, 2025 

V. Items for Consideration and Action by the Board of Trustees

A. Disposition of Recommendation to Approve Non-Certified and Administrative Compensation Increases 

B. Disposition of Recommendation to Approve 2025-2026 School Calendar and Sign 1003 Resolution 

C. Disposition of Recommendation to Allocate Early Achievement Literacy Grant Funds D. Disposition of Recommendation to Accept Donations 

E. Personnel 

1. 6th Grade Science Teacher 

2. Special Education 1:1 Aide 

3. Special Needs Bus Monitor #37 

4. MHS History Teacher 

5. Burris Remediation Aide 

6. Leave of Absences (7) 

7. MHS Head Football Coach 

8. MJHS Head 8th Grade Softball Coach 

9. MJHS Head 7th Grade Softball Coach 

10. Volunteer Request 

VI. Items for discussion by the Board of Trustees

A. Girls’ Wrestling Team Recognition/Boys’ Basketball Team Recognition

VII. Adjournment