Bloomington/Monroe County Human Rights Commission seeks student voices for 2025 Art & Essay Contest

BLOOMINGTON – The Bloomington/Monroe County Human Rights Commission invites local students in grades K-6 to participate in its annual Youth Art & Essay Contest, exploring the theme: “How does diversity make our community stronger?”

The contest encourages students to reflect on the value of an inclusive community. The submission deadline is March 12, 2025.

“Our goal is to get students thinking about human rights, equality, and how they can contribute to a stronger, more inclusive Bloomington,” said Michael Shermis, Human Rights Commission liaison. “With ongoing conversations about diversity, we want to emphasize the importance of valuing different backgrounds and perspectives.”

Students may submit artwork or a short essay (1-page maximum) via email to or drop off entries at City Hall (401 N. Morton St.) with Attention: Human Rights Commission. Submissions should include the student’s name, grade, school, and contact information for a parent, guardian, or teacher.

Winners will be announced in April 2025 and will receive five WonderLab passes. Past winners have showcased creativity, research, and a passion for their topic.

Please visit our website to learn more or review and print the contest flyer.

The mission of the Bloomington/Monroe County Human Rights Commission is to enforce the Bloomington/Monroe County Human Rights Ordinance in a fair and timely manner, educate community members about their rights and responsibilities under various civil rights laws, and advocate for changes in policies and laws.