BEDFORD – The Altrusa of Bedford chapter met on February 10th at the Southland Church of Christ Annex with 17 members and one guest in attendance, led by Bill Barnes.
In April, Treasurer Sara Kern reported on finances and donated a covered bridge painting for the District Six convention’s silent auction. Kern also organized the signing of valentines for emeritus members and recently donated 18 half-gallons of laundry detergent to the Life Pantry. Loretta Bailey shared a thank you note from Stone Belt for a recent $2,500 Altrusa grant and reported delivering 25 magazines to each of six nursing homes. Core nursing home residents also received gifts from the club, which Donna Rainey delivered.
The club will award a $1,000 scholarship to a graduating NLCS senior this spring, with Jenny Edwards presenting. Mary Barnes requested volunteers for the Lawrence County Museum’s front desk on Tuesdays. The nomination committee is seeking candidates for vice president and recording secretary positions.
Members voted to provide lunch for Men’s Warming Shelter clients attending a February 27th workshop. Kathleen Row announced workdays at Agape House (serving children from Lawrence, Orange, and Monroe counties) on March 1st and 16th. Altrusans will work the Flamingo Bingo at the Women’s Expo on March 8th at the Girls & Boys Club, where nuts from their fall fundraiser will be available for purchase. Tammy Harrell and Sammie Polley reported the bottle cap project is nearing its 3,000-pound goal of 4,000 pounds.
The next meeting will be held at 5:30 p.m. on March 10th at the Southland Church of Christ Annex. Contact Becky Bailey at 812-583-0961 for more information.