2025 severe weather preparedness for Monroe County

MONROE COUNTYThe National Weather Service in Indianapolis has declared the week of March 9-15 as Severe Weather Preparedness Week for the State of Indiana. In response to the Severe Weather Week, there will be a statewide tornado drill at 10:15 a.m. on Tuesday, March 11th.

Monroe County will participate in the statewide tornado drill. The outdoor warning sirens around the county will sound around 10:15 AM on Tuesday, March 11th. The Emergency Management Office encourages residents, businesses, and schools to use this drill as an opportunity to practice their action plan in response to a Tornado Warning.

The monthly siren test scheduled for Friday, March 7, 2025, at noon will remain normal. The test on March 11th will be an additional siren test for March in preparation for the severe weather season.

In addition to the two siren tests, the Emergency Management Agency and the Monroe County Health Department have partnered together to provide a limited supply of medication coolers and NOAA-certified weather radios for any interested Monroe County resident at no cost to them. Two Duke Energy Foundation grants made the supply of weather radios possible. The purpose of the coolers is to help give residents with medications that require refrigeration an alternative way to keep the medicines cold during power outages. Due to the limited supply, the coolers and radios are limited to one of each per household.

Residents who are interested in requesting a medication cooler and/or weather radio for their household can do so through the following Microsoft Forms:

For medication coolers: https://forms.office.com/g/H303K3aShw

For weather radios: https://forms.office.com/g/uwKnsSGk01

Both the coolers and weather radios will only be available as supplies last.

For any questions, contact the Emergency Management Agency at 812-349-2533.