BLOOMINGTON – A Bloomington man was arrested after he instructed his 11-year-old son to drive him home because he was intoxicated.
Jarvis Canada, 34, of Bloomington, has been arrested and charged with multiple felonies, including operating a vehicle while intoxicated, OWI endangering a minor, and neglect of a dependent.

According to court documents, Canada was called to his son’s school because the child was feeling unwell. Upon arriving at the school, Canada reportedly showed signs of intoxication. His son later told police that his father’s impairment was evident through his “poor driving.”
Canada allegedly instructed his son to drive shortly after leaving the school parking lot. The 11-year-old reportedly declined four times but was eventually compelled to drive. While driving, the child mistakenly pressed the gas pedal instead of the brake, causing the vehicle to accelerate. The child then overcorrected, causing the car to veer off the road and roll down a hill, ending up in a ditch near Canada’s apartment complex. No injuries were reported.
Witnesses reported that Canada went into his apartment and fell asleep on the couch after the crash. During questioning, Canada admitted to borrowing the vehicle from a neighbor to pick up his son. He acknowledged allowing the 11-year-old to drive but denied being intoxicated at the time.
Investigators reported a strong odor of alcohol on Canada’s breath and noted his slurred speech. Canada stated he had not consumed alcohol on the day of the crash but admitted to having “a few shots of Jim Beam Honey and a couple of glasses of wine” at 12:30 a.m. He failed field sobriety tests and was taken to the hospital for a blood draw before being arrested and transported to the Monroe County Jail.
Those facing criminal charges are considered innocent unless convicted through due legal proceedings. Accusations alone do not imply guilt; the judicial system will evaluate the presented evidence to reach a verdict.