BLOOMINGTON—The City of Bloomington Office of the City Clerk is accepting applications to fill vacant
positions on the Bloomington/Monroe County Human Rights Commission.
The Bloomington/Monroe County Human Rights Commission was designed to enforce Bloomington’s
Human Rights Ordinance in a fair and timely manner to educate community members about their rights and responsibilities under various civil rights laws to raise awareness on all human rights issues, to ensure that contractors and subcontractors on city jobs pay employees applicable wages, to
ensure that the city, as an employer, governmental entity, and provider of public accommodations, complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and provides the community with information about the ADA.
The members of the commission shall be representatives of the community and shall be city or
county residents.
The commission usually meets at City Hall on the third Monday of each month, starting at 5 p.m. Members of the public are welcome to attend these meetings. For more information, please see the Bloomington Municipal Code 2.23.100.
Visit the city website to learn more about the City’s boards and commissions, including mission statements, membership requirements, current membership listings, term lengths, meeting schedules, and location.
You may apply here if you want to apply for a vacant seat on a board or commission.
All board and commission meetings are free and open to the public. We encourage potential applicants to attend a meeting for the board or commission they are interested in before applying.