ORLEANS– The Orleans Summer League is gearing up for another season of fun and recreation, and sign-ups are well underway. Parents are urged to act quickly, as the registration deadline is fast approaching.
Registration forms for the 2025 Orleans Summer League are readily available for pick-up and drop-off at both J & S Sportswear and the Orleans Town Offices during regular business hours. To ensure all Orleans Elementary School (OES) students have access to the forms, they have also been recently sent home with students.

The deadline to register is Friday, March 7th. Participants can register for a fee of $30. However, a strict $50 late fee will be applied to all registrations submitted after the March 7th deadline, so prompt submission is highly recommended.
The Orleans Summer League provides supervised recreational activities for area youth throughout April, May, and June. This program offers a fantastic opportunity for children to stay active, socialize, and enjoy the outdoors during the spring months.
A completed registration form is mandatory for all participants. Parents are encouraged to secure their child’s spot in the league by obtaining and submitting their forms before the deadline. Don’t miss this chance to give your children a fun and engaging summer experience!