BEDFORD- The Knights of Columbus Council 1166 in Bedford recently presented proceeds from their 2024 Tootsie Roll Drive to 7 local organizations that serve citizens with intellectual and developmental disabilities.

Organizations receiving checks ranging from $2,500 to $13,200 include Springville Community Academy, Lawrence County Independent Schools, St. Vincent de Paul School, Special Olympics Lawrence County, Lawrence County Arc, North Lawrence Community Schools, and Mitchell Community Schools. According to drive chairman Greg Stanley, the local Knights of Columbus council raised $43,889 during their 2024 drive, an all-time high for the 47-year campaign.

The Bedford, Indiana, Knights of Columbus hold annual Tootsie Roll Drives to raise funds for individuals with intellectual disabilities. Volunteers distribute Tootsie Rolls in exchange for donations, with proceeds supporting local programs and charities. The event unites the community in generosity, making a meaningful impact through simple acts of kindness.

Bower, Alivia Crane and Hannah Riester of Special Olympics Lawrence County.