BEDFORD- The Indiana Broadband Office (IBO) is hosting a series of public listening sessions across the state, and they are stopping in Bedford at StoneGate Arts and Education Center on March 31.
These sessions are an opportunity to:
- Get the latest updates on Indiana’s broadband expansion efforts
- Learn about the Broadband, Equity, Access, and Deployment (BEAD) and Digital Opportunity (DO) programs and what they mean for your community
- Ask questions and share your feedback directly with state broadband officials
The updated scheduled sessions are as follows:

Broadband access affects everything from education and healthcare to economic growth and community development. As Indiana moves forward with historic broadband funding, the IBO is eager to get information out to communities. These events are open to residents, business owners, community leaders, educators, farmers, and anyone interested in broadband improvements.
Whether you’re facing challenges with internet access or just want to stay informed, you are encouraged to attend.
Follow the QR Code below or please click here to register!