BOWLING GREEN, KY. —Just miles outside popular tourist destination Mammoth Cave National Park in Edmonson County, copper thieves stole and destroyed telecommunications cable twice in less than 24 hours, severely impacting life-saving communications in the remote region of Kentucky.
This crime happened the night of March 14-15, 2025, and follows other thefts in nearby Grayson County. In the past three weeks, thieves stole copper cable and destroyed fiber cable, which critically impacted communications in the area for many homes and businesses.
Authorities have been notified; however, Kinetic security officials encourage anyone with information to call toll-free 1-855-268-2211, Option 1, or local police. Kinetic is offering a $10,000 reward for information that leads to the arrest and conviction of individuals associated with these crimes.
Copper theft is not a victimless crime. It directly impacts the people of this community and impedes their ability to call first responders for help. It can also put thieves in mortal danger and have negative economic impacts on communities.
Every cut telecommunication cable compromises critical community communication. Cuts result in outages that prevent residents and businesses from making phone calls, including to emergency first responders like police, fire, and medical response teams, companies, pharmacies, and hospitals.
Copper cable is sold to nearby scrap yards, sometimes across state lines, and is only worth pennies on the dollar compared to the negative community and state-wide impacts this is having across the Commonwealth.