INDIANA – The DSM (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders) classifies substance use disorder as a medical illness that can be characterized by impairments to health, social functions, and voluntary control over substance use.
People are often intimidated by the topic of substance use and addiction, as it can be a scary topic to broach. However, parents must talk to their children about this as early as possible. Parents should have a strong relationship with their children early on to be able to address this heavy topic openly. It is beneficial to learn strategies to show them what to do instead of what they should not do.

To effectively address addiction, parents and children must understand that everyone is at risk for addiction. Children and teens will often operate under the impression that addiction cannot happen to them because they believe the stereotypes that come with it.
Addiction is not something that people plan for; it can happen after just trying something that ends up altering their brain chemistry. Many younger people may also believe that they are invincible or that the substances are a harmless way to have fun. They do not understand that these substances are physically altering the way their brains develop if they try them at a young age.
Parents play a critical role in the prevention of substance misuse as they are often their children’s most influential role models. Actions are more important than words in most cases, which is extremely important to model here. Parents must model healthy coping skills when life is hard. For example, if a parent has had a rough day, it would be more beneficial for the child to see them go for a walk to cope with that rather than having multiple drinks.

If you do choose to turn to a substance, children should see that you are doing it in a healthy amount and not as an escape. Children need healthy escape strategies, such as mindfulness, rather than ones that could lead to a dangerous path. A great example of a positive mindfulness escape could be a strategy where all of the senses distract the child from what is causing them stress. By teaching mindfulness strategies and other positive coping skills, parents can foster a safe environment where a child feels comfortable expressing themselves in healthy ways instead of turning to substances.
Children might need assistance in learning boundaries to keep them safe. Boundaries are extremely important for kids to learn early on, and they will be extremely helpful in preventing problems. Giving children boundaries and teaching them how to set boundaries with others will help them stand firm in a difficult situation. The types of friendships that they choose are crucial to being able to set boundaries and avoid temptation.
Ensuring that your children are making good friends can be critical to their future path. They are influenced by their friends just as they are influenced by the media. Substance abuse exposure can easily begin to add up through exposure to social media, their friends, their music, their parents, and TV. Do not be fooled by thinking this exposure is normal for teens.
Early intervention can be provided in various settings. Children must be exposed to early intervention to understand and stay on the right track. Do not underestimate addiction or think that it will never happen to your family. Act now and provide your child with necessary life skills.

Niki Walls, MSW, LSW, is a Youth First Mental Health Professional at Bell Intermediate Academy in Morgan County. Youth First, Inc. is a nonprofit dedicated to strengthening youth and families. Youth First provides over 100 highly trained mental health professionals (primarily master’s level social workers), prevention programs, parent engagement coordinators, and bilingual support personnel to 126 schools across 14 Indiana counties. Over 53,000 youth and families per year are served by Youth First’s school-based social work and community programs that promote mental health, prevent substance misuse, and maximize student success. To learn more about Youth First, visit youthfirstinc.org or call 812-421-8336.