PAOLI– Local farmers and farmers’ market vendors are invited to a special drop-in enrollment event next week to learn about and access the eFarmers Market Nutrition Program (eFMNP). The event, hosted by the Purdue Extension Nutrition Education Program, will occur on Monday, March 25th, from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. at the Lost River Co-op at 26 Library Street in Paoli.

This open house-style event provides an in-person opportunity for farmers to access valuable resources, ask questions, and complete the necessary applications to expand their sales through the FMNP, which benefits WIC clients and seniors. Refreshments will be provided.
“We are seeking to remove barriers for people with limited resources to access healthy food and physical activity,” said Annie Eakin, Community Wellness Coordinator with Purdue Extension. “This event is a great way for local farmers to connect with these programs and increase their reach.”
Participants can easily register for the event online via the link provided on the event flyer.
To complete the eFMNP application, farmers should bring:
- W-9 Form
- Bank Information (blank check or ACH authorization form)
Participants should also bring the following information:
- Full name
- Name of farm
- Mailing address (including county)
- Growing location address/es (including county)
- Size/s of growing location/s (in acres)
- Phone number
- Email address
- List of what they grow
- For each location, they plan to sell produce:
- Name
- Street address
- First selling date
- Last selling date
- Days and hours they will be present to sell
- Location type (market, stand, mobile)
This event will assist farmers in accessing benefits that will help them reach WIC and Senior clients.
For additional questions, contact Annie Eakin via email at aeakin@purdue.edu or by phone at 812-679-7982.