MCCSC kicked off Equity Student Ambassador program

BLOOMINGTON – On Tuesday, August 30, Monroe County Community School Corporation students and staff kicked off the Equity Student Ambassador program.

Leading the presentation were Dr. Ruthie Payno-Simmons and Dr. Seena Skelton from the Midwest & Plains Equity Center.

Dr. Hauswald, MCCSC Superintendent, also greeted students and outlined the plan for creating and implementing the anti-racism policy.

Over 30 MCCSC students in grades 9-12 from several schools applied to be Student Equity Ambassadors. They are now charged with providing input toward creating an MCCSC anti-racism policy, which will help ensure a safe and inclusive environment for all students. 

Follow the hashtag #MCCSCEquityStudentAmbassadors to be informed of the work being done by MCCSC Student Equity Ambassadors.