Lawrence County Commissioners continue bringing broadband to Lawrence County

BEDFORD – The Lawrence County Commissioners continue to work with Morley Corporation to expand broadband in Lawrence County.

The commissioners have been consulting with Morley Corporation on possible routes to expand broadband services throughout the county. The company specializes in providing architecture, surveying, and engineering services. It also works in the broadband industry. 

Left to right, Commissioner President Dustin Gabhart, Commissioner Rodney Fish, County Attorney David Smith

Morley Corporation has been collecting data and working on overlay maps that include future plans with REMC, AT&T, and Smithville to provide broadband to rural areas of Lawrence County.

AT&T is now providing broadband to the Popcorn area and expanding outward. RTC is providing broadband to the Williams area and is expanding its coverage.

Now a Request for Proposal will be released to receive applicant responses to deploy a network of high-speed broadband internet. Those responses need to meet the American Rescue Plan Act fund eligibility. The county has $2.4 million of ARPA funds available to expand broadband in the county.

“We want to get the most bang for our buck,” added Commissioner President Dustin Gabhart. “We want the best proposals.”

Increasing broadband access has been a key topic of conversation over the last several months.

Any American Rescue Plan Act funds the county decides to allocate toward broadband projects must be spent by Dec. 31, 2024. However, the project would have an extended deadline of Dec. 31, 2026.