The City of Bedford Plan Commission will meet Tuesday

BEDFORD – The City of Bedford Plan Commission will meet on Tuesday, January 9 at 4:00 p.m.

The meeting will be held at the City Concourse at 14-2 H Street.

On the agenda:

Call to Order:
Reading of the minutes: December 12, 2023.

Welcome: New member Heath Hawkins
Election of Officers: President, Vice President, Secretary

Old Business:

  1. Public hearing for Jay Nelson, who wishes to amend a previously approved subdivision plat. Jay wishes to build duplexes on the north parcels and sell each half separately. Travis Norman will be present to speak.
  2. Preliminary hearing for Guide Pointe Church, who requests a minor subdivision of their property located at 541 15th Street to be subdivided into two separate parcels. Tabled from December 12th meeting. Corey Allen will speak.
  3. A preliminary hearing for Christopher and Amanda Napier, who requests to rezone their property located at 1301 7th Street from R-3 Medium Density Residential District to B-1 Convivence Business District. They wish to operate some of their business, Grace at Work Home Health Care, from this location. Tabled from December 12th meeting.

New Business:

  • Preliminary hearing for Dan Gerkin, who requests a minor subdivision of his property located at 3626 Washington Avenue into two separate parcels. Corey Allen will speak.
