BEDFORD– Purdue Extension- Lawrence County seeks a Health and Human Sciences Educator to serve our community with valuable programming and opportunities. Extension Educators provide the link
between Land Grant University research and Indiana residents by creating innovative learning
opportunities that address local issues. Dedicated to helping improve the quality of life for current and
future residents, Educators collaborate with local, county, and state agencies, partner organizations,
businesses, and schools to analyze needs, develop, implement, and oversee vibrant and sustainable
research-based educational programs, and provide resources and expertise to the local community.
The Health & Human Sciences Educator identifies needs within the local community and partners with
University and local resources to plan, implement, and evaluate innovative, sustainable programs that
influence attitudes, teach skills, and encourage behavior change. The Health & Human Sciences Educator
strives to improve the quality of life of individuals and families through these research-based programs
that educate on topics relevant to our colleagues, partners, and stakeholders within the community
related to food, family, money, and health.
Apply as soon as possible, as applications are currently being reviewed. Apply and learn more at