BEDFORD- The Lawrence County Housing Task Force is hosting its first Landlord Appreciation Luncheon
on Tuesday, June 11 to celebrate landlords and property managers working to strengthen
housing security in South Central Indiana.
At the event, agencies also will share community resources and ask for feedback on how best
to partner with landlords and property managers to ensure safe, secure housing for all. The
luncheon runs from 11:30-1 p.m. at the Bedford Men’s Warming Shelter, 1414 H Street. There is
no cost to attend, but registration is requested on Eventbrite.
The Lawrence County Housing Task Force was created from a Lawrence County housing
needs report that Heading Home of South Central Indiana commissioned in 2023. The task
force is focused on implementing recommendations from that report.
Task force member organizations include Heading Home of South Central Indiana, Bedford
Housing Authority, Becky’s Place, Bedford Men’s Warming Shelter, Township Trustees, City of
Bedford, Families Forever, Indiana Health Centers, United Way of South Central Indiana and
other community members.
The group meets on the 4th Wednesday of each month at 9 a.m. at StoneGate Arts & Education
Center in Bedford. Co-chairs are Heading Home Director Mary Morgan and Bobbie Ames,
Executive Director of the Bedford Housing Authority.