ICAC Task Force arrests Muncie man for possession of child pornography

DELAWARE CO. – Members of the Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force served a search warrant this morning following a lengthy investigation involving a Muncie resident and the possession of child pornography.

Indiana State Police Internet Crimes Against Children Unit, forensic examiners from the Indiana State Police Digital Forensics Unit, ISP Central SWAT Team, Troopers from the Pendleton District, and the Indiana Department of Corrections, with the assistance of the Delaware County Prosecutors Office executed the search warrant at 2001 W. Woodmont Drive in Muncie.

Detectives from the Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force initiated the investigation on May 8th, 2024, after receiving cybertips from the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC). During the one-month investigation, the task force identified the suspect as Jeffery Wayne Campbell, 31, of Muncie. 

Campbell was arrested and transported to the Delaware County Jail, where he is preliminarily charged with:

  • Possessing Child Pornography Depicting Child Engaged in Bestiality – Level 4 Felony.
  • Possession of Child Pornography, Possession Child Pornography Depicting Child Under 12 Years Old- a Level 5 Felony.
  • Possession of Child Pornography- Level 6 Felony.
  • Bestiality – a Level 6 Felony.
  • Warrant for Parole Violation
    • Campbell was released in April 2024 on a sex crime-related conviction.

The Indiana Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC) Task Force is a multiagency task force that investigates and prosecutes persons who use the internet to exploit or entice children sexually. The Indiana State Police oversees the task force.

The Indiana ICAC Task Force encourages Hoosiers to report online exploitation, solicitation, and enticement-type crimes against children to NCMEC. The NCMEC website can be accessed through the ICAC Task Force website. NCMEC is a private, non-profit organization providing services nationwide to families and law enforcement officials relating to the prevention of abduction and sexual exploitation of children. To report a crime with your child as a victim using the internet or other electronic means, please contact your local Indiana law enforcement agency.

ICAC Taskforce website: https://www.in.gov/isp/icactf/.