Meadows Community Church brings Heltonville together for ice cream and fellowship

HELTONVILLE- Meadows Community Church Youth in Heltonville polished the fine silver and rolled out the red carpet for the community on Saturday for an ice cream social. Children laughed and played, enjoyed ice cream, and all had great fellowship.

Pastor Bob Courson (Far Right)

“The youth raised all the money through fundraisers over the last couple of months,” said Pastor Bob Courson, “this is teaching them to serve, which is important as they get older and move toward the workforce.”

Pastor Bob and the church members could not have been more welcoming. Root beer floats, banana splits, and cones were on the menu, as were chocolate sauce, caramel, nuts, and brownies to top off your frozen treat.

Ladies of the church served the ice cream and smiles all afternoon

Meadows Community Church is a congregation of less than 30, but as Pastor Bob said, “It’s not about the size of the church; it’s about what you do. We try to do an event like this every six weeks or so.” It is events like this that positively impact the youth of our community and bring people together.

The Meadows Community Church Youth truly went above and beyond, creating a warm and welcoming atmosphere for all who attended the ice cream social. With the fine silver polished and the red carpet rolled out, Saturday was filled with laughter, joyful play, and sweet treats. The event brought smiles to the children’s faces and strengthened the community’s bonds of fellowship.