Jail has new security cameras to meet safety standards for inmates and staff

BEDFORDAn inspection of the jail noted the old security camera system and the security doors that needed to be addressed to keep up to date and meet safety standards for the inmates and staff.

Sheriff Greg Day reported Tuesday that SAS Security Systems had installed the new cameras and replaced the doors for $448,000.

“The difference in coverage and clarity is phenomenal,” added Sheriff Day.

The new security systems will:

  • Bring security measures up to date with jail standards
  • Improve video quality
  • Increase video duration
  • Address/minimalize camera blind spots
  • Add audio recording
  • Fix the jail door interlock system

Sheriff Greg Day reported 92 inmates housed at the jail this morning: 82 males, 10 females, 11 Department of Correction holds, two parole holds, and six Level 6 felons.