Indiana Arts Commission will meet on Sept. 6

TERRE HAUTE – The Indiana Arts Commission will meet on September 6 for their quarterly business meeting.

The meeting will begin at 9 a.m. ET in the Kenneth and Theresa Smith Magna Carta Courtroom, Indiana State University, Federal Hall, 90 N 7th St, Terre Haute, IN 47807.


  1. Call to Order
  2. Approval of Agenda and June 14, 2024 Meeting Minutes
  3. Consent Agenda 
         a. Reports for Review
  4. Traditional Arts Indiana Report
  5. Committee Reports

A. Committee on the Future

  1. FY24 Year-End Financial
  2. FY25 Year-To-Date Financials
  3. Low Digit Plate Policy
  4. KPI Report

B. Programs, Grants, and Services

  • FY24 All Grant Year Closeout Report
  • FY26-27 AOS Framework
  • FY26 APS Framework
  • Creative Convergence Framework 
  • Cultural Districts/ Creative Community Pathways
  • FY25 Network and Community Framework
  • Creative Business Strategy Program Framework
  • Art Serving Youth Framework

      6. Regional Arts Partnership Consortium Report

      7. Consent Agenda Items Moved to Full Agenda (If Any)

      8. Old Business and New Business

      9. Adjournment of Quarterly Meeting

You can stream the meeting on YouTube.