Former Center Township Constable pleads guilty in two criminal cases

MARION CO. – Denise Paul Hatch, formerly the Center Township Constable in Marion County, pleaded guilty Tuesday in two separate criminal cases and was sentenced under the terms of a negotiated plea agreement in Marion Superior Court No. 18.

Denise Paul Hatch, formerly the Center Township Constable in Marion County.

Late last year, the Marion County Prosecutor recused himself from multiple investigations involving Center Township Constable Denise Paul Hatch to avoid the appearance of impropriety. Hancock County Prosecutor Brent Eaton and Deputy Prosecutor Kyle Bandy accepted an appointment by Marion Superior Court as Special Prosecutor to consider whether charges would be filed against the Constable.

In February, Prosecutor Eaton filed two separate criminal cases against Hatch. In one case, Hatch was charged with official misconduct, a Level 6 felony, and theft, a Class A misdemeanor, for allegedly stealing broccoli from a grocery store in Indianapolis while wearing her Constable badge and telling store employees that only the Sheriff could arrest her. In the second case, Hatch was charged with official misconduct, a Level 6 felony, attempted assisting a criminal, a Level 6 felony, and attempted resisting law enforcement, a Class A misdemeanor, for allegedly arriving on the scene of a traffic stop where one of her Deputy Constables had been arrested for allegedly carrying a firearm as a convicted felon. Hatch is alleged to have attempted to open the door of the police car where Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department (IMPD) Officers had detained her Deputy. Charges against this Deputy Constable are still pending, and he is presumed innocent unless and until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt at trial.

After she was released from custody on a total $500 cash bond, she committed official misconduct, a Level 6 felony, and unlawful carrying of a handgun, a Class A misdemeanor, after she carried a gun while working security in her Constable uniform. This incident occurred in May. At that time, she was under indictment for the two felonies above cases filed in February. Indiana law prohibits persons who have a pending felony criminal case from carrying a handgun. Following her arrest in that case, her bond was revoked, and she was remanded to the Marion County Jail.

In August, the Marion Superior Court No. 18 ordered Hatch released to Pretrial Home Detention over the State’s objection. Then, earlier this month, Hatch allegedly committed official misconduct, a Level 6 felony, and disorderly conduct, a Class B misdemeanor, after she interrupted a public meeting at the Center Township Government Center and shouted expletives at Center Township Trustee Ladonna Freeman while wearing her Constable uniform and accompanied by one of her Deputy Constables. Hatch allegedly had to be escorted from the building.

On Tuesday, Hatch pleaded guilty to official Misconduct, a Level 6 Felony, and unlawful carrying of a handgun, a Class A misdemeanor in the May case. In the October case, she also pleaded guilty to disorderly conduct, a Class B misdemeanor. She was sentenced to 288 days in the Marion County Jail. The firearm, ammunition, and Constable badge currently being held as evidence may be destroyed by the IMPD.  As a result of her felony conviction, Indiana law provides that she is automatically removed from office.

Under Indiana Code 33-39-10-2(h), all expenses relating to the prosecution of these cases—including wages for time spent on these cases—will be ordered reimbursed by the Marion County Treasurer to the Hancock County Treasurer.

Prosecutor Eaton thanks the Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department Special Investigations Unit for diligently investigating these cases. He also thanks Detective Lieutenant Craig Stewart and Detective John Howard for their responsiveness and willingness to conduct the necessary follow-up investigation to build solid cases for prosecution. Prosecutor Eaton also thanks Deputy Prosecutor Kyle Bandy for his work on this matter.