Let the power of radio to work for you! Call (812) 275-7555 or email advertise@wbiw.com. Radio gets results!
Why Radio?
Radio reaches 96% of consumers each week and 76% of consumers each day. It reaches customers close to the point of purchase. Radio advertising works!
Radio is the medium of choice all day! Your customers spend more time with radio than with any other medium. Radio… 44%, TV/cable… 41%, newspapers… 10%, and magazines… 5%.
Radio is an integral part of everyday life and targets your customers effectively and efficiently. Radio reaches virtually everyone. Radio paints a picture. It engages the imagination and adds sizzle to any advertising campaign. Radio builds top-of-mind awareness. Radio has the ability to deliver a selective audience. Radio has a short turnaround time. When there are changes that need to be made, radio responds quickly. Radio reaches consumers close to the point of purchase and can influence a buying decision. Radio has promotion power at your disposal. Radio is consistent year round. Spring, summer, fall and winter, radio can reach and influence your customers. radio is cost efficient. Use radio by itself or as a part of your media mix and increase frequency, awareness and results!
- Radio is Medium of choice all day, with more time spent with than any other media
- Radio rules the workplace with 65% saying they listen to radio at work
- Radio reaches those “on-the-go”
- More households can be reached with less of an investment than with any other media
- When used creatively, radio can create an intimate, “one-on-one” interaction with the listener
- With a busy lifestyle, fewer and fewer people have the opportunity to sit down and read a newspaper and statistics show that less time is spent reading the paper.
Put the power of radio to work for you! Pick up that phone and call (812) 275-7555 or email advertise@wbiw.com