LAKE CO. – The Lake County Judicial Nominating Commission is beginning the process of selecting a new superior court judge.
Judge Stephen Scheele has been appointed by Governor Eric Holcomb to the Indiana Court of Appeals, creating a civil division vacancy on the Lake Superior Court.
Justice Mark Massa, Commission Chairperson, announced applications for the vacancy are available online and must be submitted through the Indiana Courts Portal by Monday, February 10, 2025, at noon (Eastern).
To qualify as a judge on the Lake County Superior Court, a person must be domiciled in Lake County, a citizen of the United States, and admitted to law practice in Indiana. The qualifications the Commission must consider are found in Indiana Code § 33-33-45-35.
The Lake County Judicial Nominating Commission will meet on Friday, February 21, 2025, to interview applicants for the vacancies. Details on the public interviews will be posted online.
After the interviews, the Commission will publicly vote to select a panel of five nominees to send to Governor Mike Braun for appointment. Details on the Commission, including membership, are online.