Five questions with Bedford North Lawrence senior Elijah Grider
Sport: track; Career choice: nursing; College: Indiana State
Question 1: Who has been your role model?
Grider: My role models have always been my parents. They have always shown a strong work ethic and that was what really pushed me to give everything I have at all times.
Question 2: What was your reaction when the spring seasons were cancelled?
Grider: As soon as I heard that spring sports were cancelled, I was really upset because I was looking forward to being able to improve my times and to be able to come together as a team. Regardless of what I was feeling, I knew I had to focus on what’s to come instead of what could’ve been.
Question 3: What lessons for life did you learn from high school sports?
Grider: There are hundreds of lessons to be taken from high school sports, but one lesson I took, that I know for sure I will be able to apply to every-day life, is that good attitude can go a long way.
Question 4: As you get ready to run track at Indiana State, what will you miss most about high school?
Grider: The thing I will miss most is the community. Knowing that there will always be someone there to support you, whether that’s a teacher, another peer, or even someone in the crowd of a game or meet that you’ve never seen before.
Question 5: When the current restrictions are lifted, who’s the first person you want to see?
Grider: I’m going to see the boys, my girlfriend, and my church family.
Senior Spring Spotlight is a daily feature focusing on BNL’s senior class following the cancellation of the spring sports seasons by the IHSAA in the midst of the coronavirus epidemic.