Nominate local Indiana teachers for Top Agricultural Educator Award

INDIANA — Agriculture educators play a crucial role within their communities by investing countless hours to prepare and empower students for successful careers in the industry….

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61 Indiana youth serving organizations awarded more than $800K in grant funds

INDIANA—The Indiana Youth Institute (IYI) has awarded more than $800,000 in grants to 61 Indiana youth-serving organizations through the Youth Worker Well-Being Project.  The second round…

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Hidden Disabilities – More than Meets the Eye

INDIANA – Have you ever heard any of the following?  “They don’t look disabled to me.”  “Doesn’t seem to me that they need handicapped parking….

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Lieutenant governor leads roundtable at Purdue on student mental health challenges

WEST LAFAYETTE — As mental health issues continue to affect a significant number of college students across the nation, Purdue University on Wednesday (Oct. 30)…

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MCS Board of Trustees will meet in an executive session Friday, November 1

MITCHELL—The School Board of Trustees for Mitchell Community Schools has changed its executive session from Wednesday, November 6, to Friday, November 1. The meeting will…

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Diverse business owners workshop to take place at Ivy Tech 

BLOOMINGTON—Ivy Tech Community College’s Cook Center for Entrepreneurship and the Indiana Small Business Development Center (ISBDC) will host a Diverse Business Owners Workshop on November…

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School Board Trustees for Mitchell Community Schools will meet in executive session on November 6

MITCHELL—The School Board of Trustees for Mitchell Community Schools will meet in an executive session on Wednesday, November 6. The meeting will begin at 5:00…

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Find your family story at the Paoli Public Library and Lost River DAR geneology workshop

PAOLI- Sign-ups are open until November 9 for the Genealogy Workshop with Lost River DAR Registrar Becky Gardner. This free event will be at the…

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Free Purdue Extension Nutrition Education Program launches in Bedford with take-home meal kits

BEDFORD—The Purdue Extension Nutrition Education Program is set to launch a comprehensive four-week nutrition course in Bedford. The course will offer participants both educational resources…

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Ivy Tech Bloomington to host Human Library®

Bloomington— Ivy Tech Community College Bloomington is hosting the Human Library® Tuesday, Nov. 5, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. in Shreve Hall. The Human…

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